Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Claritystamp Calendar Challenge for May 2016

My Claritystamp Calendar Challenge for April.

I'm a bit scared of birds so this was out of my comfort zone, including stamping them !   I didn't have the same paints as used in the challenge so just made do with acrylic.  Perhaps I will get the other paints at the Open Day in June - I need to keep something back to buy!


  1. Hi Jackie beautiful canvas crafting hugs xxx

  2. Lovely Jackie.You did well if you do not like birds. I will join you on Open Day and we can spend together. xx

  3. A lovely canvas Jackie I love your bright, cheerful rooster. xx

  4. Just made it Jackie, well done a lovely canvas, best of luck in the challenge.xx

  5. Stha is for your kind commentss. Look forward to meeting you Lynne, I'll be there on Friday and staying in hotel Thurs and Fri nights xx

  6. Jackie, it was lovely to meet you and have the pleasure of your company. It was my first visit to the Open Days and I will definitely be back next year. xxx Maggie

  7. Jackie, it was lovely to meet you and have the pleasure of your company. It was my first visit to the Open Days and I will definitely be back next year. xxx Maggie
