Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Clarity Stamp Calendar Challenge - December

Clarity Stamp Calendar Challenge - December

I was pleased to find I'd got all the stamps except the word chain with Season Greetings in (however I have a sneaky feeling I do have it hiding somewhere !).   I didn't have the correct rooftop mask as you will see and I'm not great at getting masking correct yet - so just imagine a foggy night!   Not sure if the gelly glitter pen shows up in the photos but it certainly does in real life, on the parcels, Santa's beard, Rudolph's (I made him a red nose - can't be without a bit of bling) antlers, and here and there ! Had to put a white bead on Santa's hat as I colored the bobble red for some reason - got carried away!   As for the rest, I mounted it on the Blue Clarity Card instead of black as I like it! 

This will now be my first Christmas card for next year ! 


  1. Congratulations Jackie! It looks really good and what's more you have already started your 2017 Christmas cards! xx

    1. Thanks Gilly, yes that's certainly a benefit ! X

  2. That is a lovely card. Well done on doing the challenge.
